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SBIRT for Tobacco Use:

Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment

Successfully treating tobacco users requires referrals to effective treatment options. Busy clinicians need a quick, evidence-based way to address tobacco use and refer patients to treatment specialists. 


TCSRI offers multi-disciplinary SBIRT training in two formats:

  • Comprehensive: 3-hour training in understanding behavior change, addressing tobacco use and exploring the patient's own reason to quit. Participants learn and practice clinical skills.

  • Essential SBIRT concepts: 1-hour presentation of SBIRT step-by-step and how to incorporate it into your standard care with clinicians of all types.


Contact us to schedule a training at your location.

Nationally Certified Tobacco Treatment Provider Training


Healthcare professionals in Rhode Island are encouraged to learn more about successfully treating tobacco users. Like other substance use disorders, tobacco dependence responds to effective treatment strategies.


TCSRI offers Core Competency tobacco cessation training, utilizing the ATTUD model as certified by UMass Medical School, to professionals in RI. This training prepares participants for the national board certification - NCTTP credential offered through NAADAC. Visit the website for more details about the importance of this credential as third-party payers offer reimbursement for tobacco treatment services.


TCSRI’s team of experienced Tobacco Treatment Providers includes master's level clinicians, as well as the only RI trainers certified by the University of Massachsetts Medical School.


The core competencies covered in this very hands on, practical training include:

  • Tobacco Dependence Knowledge and Education

  • Tobacco-specific Counseling Skills (Motivational Interviewing/CBT)

  • Conducting an Assessment

  • Treatment Planning

  • Pharmacotherapy

  • Relapse Prevention

  • Documentation

  • Billing Third-party Payers

  • Working with Disparate and Under-served Populations

  • Professional Resources

  • Law and Ethics

  • Professional Development - NCTTP National-level Certification

Trainings are open to any professional who has satisfied the certification prerequisites established by UMass Medical School. See the flyer for details.


We also offer an additional benefit. Every participant is eligible for membership in our on-going bi-monthly supervision group and individual assistance in preparing their certification application. This provides new tobacco treatment providers with a solid support system and guidance when facing challenges - both institutional and clinical - as well as a network of colleagues and resources.

We are offering a reduced cost TTS Training in September 2019!

September 2019 
Training Flyer
September 2019
Training Registration Form

© 2019 TCSRI, a CODAC, Inc. behavioral health resource


CODAC, a non-profit organization based in Cranston, Rhode Island, has provided treatment, recovery and prevention services to individuals, families and communities for more than 40 years. With six locations across the state, CODAC is uniquely positioned to provide a wide range of outpatient and off-site services to those struggling with the challenges of substance abuse, behavioral healthcare issues, and other addictive or abusive behaviors.


Click here to visit the CODAC website.

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